

Thursday, December 23, 2010


My Jesus this freaking hotel is f-ing lame! All there is are two double beds, a flat screen, and a chair. There obviously a bathroom and other amenities but for real when all you do is sit in a hotel all day you tend to get bored. Especially when your moms car was shipped yesterday so everywhere you go is limited to walking. And when your 1 year old sister has to take a nap and everything has to be pitch black you get bored also. I know I'm ranting but when inside your jumping for joy for 10 p.m to role around in the next and a half day so every minute goes by like your in a freaking time warp. But right now I have to go take a shower. Yay. I'll post hopefully in a few hours or tomorrow! Can't wait to see my family. Anyways Bye.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm Back

Well I know that I really haven't been on here for awhile. So I just wanted to make up by telling you whats going on right now in my history. Well actually right now this second I'm in the middle of moving. its really hard and stressful. The good thing is that we don't have to pack and move it ourselves cross country. Thank God for the military. Because right now without the help of the movers me and my mom and sister would be totally screwed. Anyway I also made a 4.0 this semester at my middle school. Which is good. Also I made some crushes and they were right in front of me too. Like Robert Sanchez for one. He gives me hugs everyday and everything. But I'm moving so thats out of the picture. Then theres Patrick Garland and he is one of my best friends and amazingly sweet and I'm ranting and getting all girly. Yeah I know. This year I've been super girly. Like I've even worn more girly colors and short shorts. Mind you tat I'm 5'4 with legs and torso a HUGE chest and high cheekbones. Its not like I'm Megan Fox but I'm not Oprah either. But I'm pretty decent. Hazel eyes with a dark blue outline around my eyes. But you can never see the blue. Maybe its a figment of my imagination. Anyway as looks go my hair is super curly. That with the fact that I'm African-American, European, Caucasian, and Native American. So my hair is a real pain in the.. you know what I mean. But right now my mom is vacuuming and it stinks like Hellfire. You know what I've been craving for a while? Pizza and a BOYFRIEND! Its like everyone in my school or in the books I read (mean I mention that I'm a romance novelist) or when I'm in the mall and I see someone kissing there significant other. Now that I look at this I have seen that I have written a lot. esh wow now I notice that my fingers are cramping up and my eyes are hurting. Anyway I try and get to you guys tomorrow.



Monday, September 6, 2010

Re: My Story

As you all know I very much love writing and that I restarted my story. But as I just realized I'm going to be a realistic-fictional author. Not a author whose stories are just about magic. I was going to be one but I've been liking the feeling of having- wait- to be able to have the feeling of those realistic pleasures. I will just sit in public and see people talking and a story will come. It is very interesting. So just letting ya know!


P.S. I won't be on all that much anymore

Person whispering: Like she ever is...

I heard that! Anyway since school is starting I will not be on as much. Thanks you!

(Crowd claps)


Blah, Blah, Blah...

I haven't done anything worthwhile at all this summer expect Surf Camp and thats about it. I also restarted my story so now I really didn't do anything. So anyway this is a really short post but I will post a pic.


P.S This is to Mai, oops Sage



Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Yay... Bordem has come knocking on my door once more.
(Relization) That was pretty clever. I'm on a roll!

Anyway, since bordem has been coming back to me on its knees I have decided to give it a chance. Once more. We have had this on-and-off relestionship through out the summer. I'm not a really a comitted person. But then I may have to start to try and get this reletionship to work.

Its just that when we try and do something he doesn't want to. So that sucks. Thanks alot Boredem you ruin my days and weeks with nothing.

To Boredem. Also I just realized something, me and boredem do not make a good couple. Okay were through. I'll jjust text him that... (texting) (sent)

Boredem: We were perfect Lola!
Me: Excuse me!
Boredem: I mean Ash!
Me: You got that right. But since I know you were dating other girls and getting your Boredem thing on we are TOTALLY through! (deletes number and shuts phone)

Well thats Bordem and me. Through! Finally. I can do something. My days are now going to fun filled! YAY!


Monday, August 16, 2010

My Book

I don't have a title for my book and so I'm going to give ya'll and little excerpt from it. Tell me if you like it or not:

(Page 17 and 18)

Suddenly my anger flared. Jillian HillCreast was making out with her ex - Brad Turner.
"Come one, we can ditch those other two. I'll just tell Luke I'm sick and I'll call Jess to come get me."
"Okay. I'll wait for you babe." And then Brad pulls her to him and starts to make out with her... again.
I start to shake. Almost like a convolsion. And my eyes get moist. Luke shouldn't be treated this way. And thats when it happened.
Jillian's heels broke. Her skirt ripped. The hem of her shirt started to unwind. And a water fountain appeared out of nowhere. That's also when the making out got out of hand. Brad right of then slammed Jillian into the water fountain. Water sprayed all over her. She gave a really high pitched scream.
"Brad! Why the hell did you do that! My god! Forget it! I'm going home! ALONE!" She scretched. She stalked off through the front doors, pulling her cellphone out on the way. But one thing caught my interest.
My hands were in front of me and were bleeding from cuts and gashes I didn't even cause.

You like it?! Hooked yet?! Well I hope so. Thanks for reading.


Re: Update... Wow, Very Long Time

Okay so I know I haven't been updating this thing like I would like too. Well this is what I've been up too:

1. Trying to write
It is very hard to do...
2. Drawing
Don't know why, but is losing the drawing touch...
3. Dancing
People always say I should be one. I don't know. Maybe...
4. Listening to Gavin Rossdale
Really awesome person. His songs help you think. Also do Jason Mraz and John Mayer


Sunday, March 7, 2010


Okay, so Hiya again. Well it is another regular day in which I am just relaxing. Just wanted to update my blog. Also right now I am drawing anime and it is going great. So...

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Okay, so like right now I am starting to begin my blogging prcess of life. I know this sounds like total boringness which me myself is thinking, it is. Hopefully I can always update and not be the person who starts than quits. So.....

Talk to you lates!